APP • 2023

Tiers on Fi


Introduce tiers

Explore visual identities

Integrate with other products


Product Design



3 months




As our app matured, our goal was to foster stronger connections with our user base by providing distinct benefits to those who choose to invest more with us. In return, they enjoy reduced charges and enhanced rewards as a token of our appreciation for their loyalty. Initially, we started by measuring their account balance within the app, with the ultimate objective of adopting a more comprehensive approach to assess their Net Relationship Value (NRV) on our platform. To achieve this, we introduced tailored plans throughout the app to distinguish and personalise our offerings to each user.

Expand the app from just music and caller-tunes to now include podcasts.

Differentiated experience for premium users

Keep the experience familiar but introduce new features catered for podcast listening.

Grow the base of good users for Fi

Why Fi needs tiers?

Tiers introduce a rewards system that motivates user to increase their engagement on Fi. This build loyalty, boosts revenue, and provides a sense of exclusivity for high-value users.

Reduce spends on bad users

Minimise costs associated with users who generate little revenue or have limited engagement

Build a deeper relationaship

Offer improved benefits and tailored experiences to our loyal users

Prevent abusers on the platform

Identify and reduce the impact of users who may be abusing the app

How are we solving for this?

Some core ideas on how to solve for the overarching problem at hand

Cater to premium users by offering them higher quality rewards.

Tailored Rewards

Use account balances as away to decide which tier a user falls on. This makes the decisioning quicker.

Balance-Based Plans

Subsequently add more and better features for higher tiers.

Progressive Features

Reward good behaviour with leniency and bad one with stricter control on upgrades to prevent abuse

Prevent Gaming

Tier concepts

We had some foundational concepts that we wanted to incorporate in the product to better help us meet our user and business goals. These concepts were were built on the extension of transparency and trust that people have come to expect from Fi.

Design principles

Instant gratification

Celebrate upgrades to a higher tier instant and immediately reward our users with the benefits.

Express benefits

Clearly communicate the tiered structure and the benefits at touch points to build recognition.

Brand building

Have a strong presence of the brand to build better association and have a consistent feel across the app.

Tier stability

Balances can fluctuate but a tier should not. We aim to have stability in each tier to create a sense of security in the system.

Maximise upgrades

Allow maximum number of users to upgrade to a higher tier easily wherever they can avail a better benefit.

Rewarding users

Give premium rewards to users for being on a higher tier and displaying loyalty. Build communications to highlight the rewards they've earned.

Touching upon the touchpoints

Tiers extend beyond just it's landing page. It touches various other products on the app. We built out the experience at various places to help users understand what they are getting or maybe how they can get more from Fi.

  • Launch offer

  • Profile on Home Page

  • Nudge on Debit Card

  • Promo offers

  • Rewards page

  • Redemption page

All of the designs

The design exercise involved exploring various concepts and ideas to see what fits the bill best. It had to adhere to our design language, be scalable and most importantly usable. A lot of feedback was gathered internally to see which idea strikes the best balance.


Fleshing it out

With the consensus, we set out to make the interface. We tried to stick to the existing Wynk Music’s design language. We did take the liberty to design new components but kept them rooted in our current design language. We did not want a stark difference between the various sections of the app. We also updated a few components along the way for hygiene.

Joining a tier

We announced the tiers and highlights them across the app to help people see the improved benefits

Expressing benefits

It's important our user understand how much benefit they can get from being on a tier. This helps with retention and building loyalty.

Keep track of perks

A simple tick mark helps go a long way to communicate a user all the benefits that they've already tried out on the tier.

Celebrating upgrade

We built an upgrade animation when a user adds money and upgrades to a higher tier. This ties back with our principle of instant gratification.

Plans for users

Showing all the plans to a user

Experiments to improve balances

A quick callout about the benefits they'll get by adding more funds and upgrading to a higher tier.



A concerted effort by design, business and marketing communication helped drive some key metrics up for Fi. This greatly helped increase overall account balances and trials rates for various features across the app.


Increase in account balances on the app


Retention of users in their respective tiers


Final Words

Partnerships with brands

We want to expand our offerings for the tiers by going beyond just banking. We want to partner with brands and bring offerings for our premium users that help build a deeper relationship with the tiers.

Improved feature sets

There aren't enough differentiated offerings on the app for premium users. Premium tiers depend a lot on rewards and not utility. We want to bring more utility for the higher tiers.

Win back users

A lot of our users are dormant. Highlighting the benefits of our tiers could be a a great way to win them back. The new reward system is a great way to have people back on the platform.

Learnings from the project

Design projects are like icebergs – the polished screen you see are just the tip. Underneath the surface lies a whole world of problem-solving and lessons learned. The few months working on this project were incredibly fun and pushed me as a design.

Dealing with compliance

With partnership with Federal Bank, we had to navigate a lot of red tape and legal issues to design the whole experience.

Putting users first

When faced with harsh business and engineering challenges, we persisted to keep user experience and build solutions around that instead of comprimising.

Designing with uncertainity

The project had a lot of challenges and interesting design problems to solve. A lot of these were solved on the fly without any prior documentation. This made the challenge a lot more exciting!

©2024 Himanshu Sharma



Designed in Figma.

Developed in Framer.

Fuelled by coffee. 2024.